PRP Therapy

What is PRP Therapy?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Injections leverage the regenerative potential of a patient’s cells to heal and revitalize damaged joints, muscles, tendons, or ligaments, offering a safe and effective option for both chronic and acute orthopedic injuries

PRP therapy is a minimally invasive procedure performed comfortably in our clinic, requiring minimal downtime, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking prompt recovery.

During the treatment, a small sample of blood is drawn from the patient and carefully processed in a centrifuge to isolate platelets abundant in anti-inflammatory and growth-promoting factors. The resulting concentrated PRP is then precisely injected into the affected area to alleviate pain and inflammation while kickstarting the body’s natural healing processes.

This targeted delivery of PRP prompts the body to prioritize healing in the treated area, facilitating a natural repair process that typically unfolds over 8 to 12 weeks, ultimately leading to restoration and relief. Depending on the individual’s condition and treatment goals, a series of 3 to 6 PRP sessions spaced several weeks apart may be recommended to achieve optimal improvement.

Benefits of PRP Therapy:

Empowering Natural

PRP therapy capitalizes on the body’s innate healing mechanisms by amplifying the healing properties of your own blood. By delivering concentrated platelets to targeted areas, this treatment activates natural healing processes, fostering tissue repair and mitigating inflammation.

Gentle Intervention,
Significant Impact

 PRP therapy is a gentle procedure that involves extracting a small sample of your blood, processing it to concentrate platelets, and then injecting the PRP into the affected area. This minimally invasive approach eliminates the need for extensive surgery, promoting a safer and quicker recovery journey.


PRP therapy offers diverse applications across various medical fields, including orthopedics, pain management, and cosmetic medicine. Whether alleviating joint discomfort, treating sports injuries, promoting hair regrowth, or rejuvenating the skin, PRP therapy showcases its versatility in addressing a spectrum of health and aesthetic concerns.

Conditions Treated

As the best-in-class regenerative health practice in Albuquerque, our concierge service with double board-certified NP’s uses evidence-based therapies and personalized treatments to meet your needs.

Osteoarthritis, joint degeneration

  • Tendinitis / Tendinosis / Tendinopathy
  • Bursitis and capsulitis
  • Shoulder rotator cuff sprains and tears
  • Knee ligament and meniscus injury
  • Ankle sprain and instability


  • Facial rejuvenation
  • Wrinkles, fine lines
  • Skin tightening/plumping
  • Enhanced skin tone and texture
  • Moisture retention



Acne and scarring


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