Hormone Therapy

Your Personalized Blueprint for Optimal Wellness

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), also referred to as Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), offers a solution for managing the challenges of hormonal imbalances and fluctuations. This therapy is universally beneficial, catering to both men and women, given the critical role hormones play in numerous bodily functions. Imbalanced hormone levels can lead to a variety of symptoms, and in most instances, BHRT provides significant relief.



What is Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormones are meticulously crafted in a laboratory setting using plant-based estrogens to mirror the hormones naturally produced by the human body. These hormones, including testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, are designed to be structurally identical to our body’s own hormones.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offers a harmonious approach to restoring balance to the body’s hormone levels. By replenishing these essential hormones, patients can rejuvenate their sense of well-being and vitality, all while maintaining their health without adverse effects.

What should I expect from a Hormone Therapy visit?

The first step is to determine if you’re a candidate for hormone therapy. On your first visit, we will have a consultation and then proceed with your metabolic blood work panel of testing, including your hormones, along with measuring the visceral body fat you have so we get a complete picture of your metabolic health.

On your follow-up visit, we will have your bloodwork results and go over recommendations and treatment options with you.

Interested in Hormone Therapy?

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